24/7 Emergency Service

In the Market for a New Furnace? Tips to Guide Your Shopping

Are you concerned that your furnace will not make it through the winter? The temperatures can get very cold in the Southfield, Oak Park, and Ferndale area. Now is the time to replace that old furnace to avoid an emergency in mid-winter. There are a few factors to...

Make Sure You Get Your Furnace Checked Before Fall Begins

Chances are your furnace has probably been sitting dormant since winter, but with fall around the corner, it’ll soon be time to start warming your home again. Now is the right time to have your furnace checked.  Taking preventive steps to stave off a heater...

Improve Your IAQ by Buying Green Houseplants

If you’re interested in improving your home’s indoor air quality (IAQ) for better comfort or health and you’re on a limited budget, forego expensive filtration systems for now and start with plants. While a cleaning system may be helpful, explore the power of...

Ever Had an Energy Audit? It May Be Time to Consider One

Most homeowners are wary of wasting energy. Having a home that isn’t highly energy efficient will leave you with high energy bills and an HVAC system working in overdrive. Luckily, an energy assessment will allow you to pinpoint the worst energy wasters in your home...

Energy-Saving Basics to Share with Your Children

Energy costs are rising in many regions, and homeowners are quickly learning the value of going green. Reducing your Bloomfield area home’s energy use can save a lot of money on your utility bills, often without making any major changes to your routine. Many...

Fall Is Just Around the Corner: Plan Your HVAC Maintenance

The lull between our heating and cooling seasons is the ideal time for the preventative maintenance that keeps your HVAC equipment in prime condition. By planning ahead and scheduling your fall checkup now, you’ll be cozy and comfortable when the seasons change....