If you’re tired of paying big energy bills to stay comfortable during the cooling season, you should consider installing a whole-house fan. There are different types of these fans available, but they all work on the same premise — drawing in cooler outdoor...
Taking care of your home’s metal roof is vital if you want it to last for as long as possible. Generally, a metal roof can stand up to a half century’s worth of wear and tear before needing to be replaced, as long as it’s properly maintained. The...
Most homeowners are wary of wasting energy. Having a home that isn’t highly energy efficient will leave you with high energy bills and an HVAC system working in overdrive. Luckily, an energy assessment will allow you to pinpoint the worst energy wasters in your home...
If you live in an older home, you most likely have an air conditioner that isn’t as efficient or effective as you might like. With a two-stage cooling system, you’ll be able to save money on your energy bill while remaining cool throughout the hottest...
When your heat pump is not cooling properly in warmer weather, you certainly want to get it functioning again to keep your Clarkston home comfortable. Cooling trouble may create efficiency problems, too, which can increase energy bills. Use these troubleshooting tips...