24/7 Emergency Service

Prevent Mold Growth in Your Home with Functional UV Lights

Dampness and high humidity can result in household mold growth, reducing the value of your home and its aesthetic appeal, as well as posing a health risk to your family. Mold can lead to breathing problems, mental impairment, internal organ failure and even death....

Mold: Yes, It’s a Problem in Winter as Well

Mold is normally thought of as a spring and summer problem, but even in the chilly Michigan winter mold can grow in your home. Mold can cause structural damage to buildings and cause a number of health problems for residents. One reason for mold growth during winter...

Mold In The Drain Pan Of Your A/C: A Preventive Strategy

When it comes to mold in the drain pan of your air conditioner, an ounce of prevention is the best cure. Once established, a hidden mold colony is difficult to evict. Contamination of your household air with airborne spores is one likely result. Plugged drain lines,...

Your Indoor Air Quality: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

In Southeast Michigan, indoor air quality can be harmful to your health just as much as polluted air outside is at certain times of the year. Mold spores, pollen, dust, humidity and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are all irritating to a person’s health and can also...