24/7 Emergency Service

Heat Loss: Costly and Inefficient

When cold weather settles in for the season, combating heat loss becomes a major concern for many homeowners. The suggestions below can help you improve your home’s energy efficiency, reduce your heating costs, and help you stay warm and comfortable throughout...

Water Heater in Its Final Days? Time to Think of a Replacement

If your water heater just isn’t cutting it anymore, it may be a good idea to look into getting it replaced. Homeowners have several water heater options to choose from, each varying in cost and efficiency. By examining the traits of water heaters more closely,...

DIY Water Heater Maintenance: 3 Steps You Can Take

Having your water heater go down is never fun. It can toil in silence for many years, keeping your house supplied with hot water until the morning you wake up and all that comes out of the shower is cold water. Routine maintenance, such as draining your tank...

Is Your Water Heater On Your Insulation Checklist?

Shrewd homeowners performing home-efficiency upgrades by sealing air leaks and adding insulation shouldn’t overlook one very important system. Your water heater “leaks” heat in the form of standby heat loss — heating and re-heating stored water to maintain...

Tankless Water Heaters: 6 Tips For Top Performance

Tankless water heaters, also called demand water heaters, generate heated water only when it’s needed. This eliminates the need for a tank and the standby heat loss associated with it, conserving energy and saving you money. If you’ve decided that a tankless water...