As one of your largest expenses, you likely want to save more money on your utility bills. If you hear the dreaded news from your HVAC repair technician that a new furnace is in order, will you know what type is the best option for your home? Understanding the cost of...
Gas burners in all furnaces are triggered by the pilot light. This light is either lit manually or by an ignitor and has to remain burning when your furnace is on. If this light goes out, your furnace will turn off. Basically, your gas furnace is controlled by this...
It’s just about time to switch from the air conditioner to the furnace. Operating home heating equipment can be expensive and even dangerous without the right heating tips in mind. Use the following information to stay warm, comfortable and safe this winter. Get a...
The gas furnace in your West Bloomfield home has provided you and your family with years of dependable service, but lately you seem to have nothing but bad luck with it. Familiarize yourself with these basic gas furnace troubleshooting tips so you know when to call...
Selecting a new furnace for your home is a very important decision, especially in areas like Farmington, Rochester, Utica and Bloomfield where the winters are long and cold. One thing you must keep in mind when you are choosing a furnace is that bigger isn’t...