24/7 Emergency Service

High-Efficiency A/C: 4 Benefits You May Not Have Thought Of

You already know a high-efficiency A/C can lower your summertime electric bills. That’s important considering Southeast Michigan’s warm, muggy summers, whether you’re in a bigger, higher-cost town like Troy or a small community like Lake Orion....

A/C Shopping? Write These Features Down on Your Must-Have List

Shopping for a new cooling system can be a challenging process since it’s not something you do very often. The most important A/C features to consider are the SEER (seasonal energy efficiency ratio) rating of the systems you’re considering and the...

Air Filter Basics for Top Performance All Year Long

Your HVAC unit’s air filter plays an important part in keeping the air you breathe clean and healthy. Taking care of it means getting the most from your heating and cooling system while keeping a slew of airborne contaminants at bay. Not only will you enjoy cleaner...

MERV By The Numbers: Finding The Right Air Filter For Your A/C

There are many helpful tips and tricks that Lake Orion homeowners can use to reduce air conditioning bills, but the easiest one is probably the one which is overlooked most often: maintaining your air filter. You can reduce energy consumption by as much as 15 percent...