24/7 Emergency Service

Did Dirty A/C Coils Cost You This Past Summer?

If your air conditioning system is running inefficiently, the problem may be dirty A/C coils. How do you know if your system is having problems with efficiency? The most common sign is a high cooling bill. Understanding the role that the coils play in your system can...

Warranty or Maintenance Plan? Which Is Best?

Deciding between a warranty or maintenance plan is often tough for homeowners. Both are ways to protect yourself against HVAC breakdowns, just in different ways. A warranty plan won’t prevent problems, but will cover a nice chunk of the expenses of fixing it. A...

New Home? Create a Routine Maintenance Schedule for Your HVAC System

Routine maintenance is a key factor in prolonging the life of your HVAC equipment. A well maintained system will also run more efficiently, allowing you to get the full benefit of your system, and save some money on your utility bills. When you first move into a new...

HVAC Maintenance Agreement Pros and Cons

Are you debating whether or not you should sign up for an HVAC maintenance agreement? Learning more about these agreements can help you make an informed decision. What Is an HVAC Maintenance Agreement? By signing a maintenance agreement, HVAC customers pay an annual...

Fall Maintenance Already? It’s Not Too Soon

Fall will soon be here in Oak Park and Royal Hills, and along with back-to-school busy-ness, raking leaves, and turning back the clock, it’s also time to tackle fall maintenance for your home. In addition to taking care of these tasks now so that your home is...

Still Running the A/C? Some Tips for Proper Maintenance

Even though the worst heat of the summer is over in Troy and Birmingham, you may still need your A/C for hot weather that can occur periodically until we’re deep into fall. Each time your cooling system runs without routine maintenance, it wears out a little...