24/7 Emergency Service

Should You Run a Dehumidifier in the Basement During the Winter?

During the winter, your basement in Farmington Hills can trap moisture, especially if it doesn’t have adequate exposure to natural sunlight or heat. This can easily lead to the formation of mold in your home. A great way to reverse this trend is to use a dehumidifier....

Essential Maintenance Tips for Your Home’s Metal Roof

Taking care of your home’s metal roof is vital if you want it to last for as long as possible. Generally, a metal roof can stand up to a half century’s worth of wear and tear before needing to be replaced, as long as it’s properly maintained. The...

5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality is a significant factor in home safety. It can affect your health, so it’s important that you maintain your home. There are a number of measures that can have a significant effect on the air we breathe, requiring only minor changes in our...

Prevent Mold Growth in Your Home with Functional UV Lights

Dampness and high humidity can result in household mold growth, reducing the value of your home and its aesthetic appeal, as well as posing a health risk to your family. Mold can lead to breathing problems, mental impairment, internal organ failure and even death....

Tips for Buying the Right Backup Generator for Emergencies

No matter where you live, natural disasters and inclement weather can occur, so you have to be prepared. Losing power is not just an inconvenience, it can be dangerous. Having a backup generator can give you peace of mind that you and your family will remain safe and...