24/7 Emergency Service

Should You Run a Dehumidifier in the Basement During the Winter?

During the winter, your basement in Farmington Hills can trap moisture, especially if it doesn’t have adequate exposure to natural sunlight or heat. This can easily lead to the formation of mold in your home. A great way to reverse this trend is to use a dehumidifier....

Balancing Humidity: Your Home May Need Some Help

Balancing humidity continues to be a growing concern among home owners everywhere. If you’ve noticed a decline in your home’s indoor air quality, unbalanced humidity may be to blame. There are several ways to go about balancing humidity in your home that...

How a Dehumidifier Can Increase Your Comfort This Summer

The humidity climbs during the summer in Southeastern Michigan, which makes it feel warmer than it really is. Instead of using your cooling system as a dehumidifier, which could leave you feeling too cold and clammy and driving up energy bills, consider portable or...