In Southeast Michigan, the cold months can feel very dry. A whole house humidifier is a great remedy that has other benefits too: relief of some health issues, greater home comfort, and higher energy-efficiency for money savings.
Dry, less-humid air can cause health problems such as sore throat and dry skin, and it can also exacerbate sinus problems, cause dehydration, promote allergy attacks and aggravate asthma. Whole house humidifiers help alleviate and/or prevent these health issues and discomforts by keeping the air in your home at the correct relative humidity settings.
As cooler air is heated by your heating source, the relative humidity of the air drops, making the air seem dryer. Humidified air feels warmer than dry air of the same temperature. This allows for a lower thermostat setting to feel the same comfort level.
Lowering the thermostat one degree saves up to four percent on heating costs, according to the EPA. If you feel comfortable lowering the thermostat four or five degrees because the humidified air feels warmer, you would save 16-20 percent on heating costs. Optimal relative humidity settings also inhibit the damage that dry air can cause to hardwood floors, paint and wallpaper, saving you even more money.
Power humidifiers are installed as an attachment/accessory to your home’s heating source. These humidifiers deliver moisture to your home using the heating source’s ductwork. Some models are able to use a built-in fan to deliver moisture to your home even when the home’s heating unit is turned off.
Bypass humidifiers operate like power humidifiers. However, with no built-in fan. Bypass humidifiers must rely on the heating source’s air delivery system to circulate air. The bypass humidifier cannot circulate the humidified air to your home when the heating source is not operating.
No matter whether you choose a power humidifier or bypass humidifier, you’ll receive four common benefits: Improved health, greater home comfort, increased energy savings, and lower energy costs. So if dry winter air is a problem in your home, call Aladdin Heating & Cooling. We’ve been proudly serving Southeast Michigan since 1945.
Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about whole house humidifiers and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
Aladding Heating & Cooling services the Detroit, Michigan and the surrounding areas. Visit our websiteto see our special offers and get started today!
Photo courtesy of Shutterstock.