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How to Address a Hot Water Heater OverflowYour hot water heater keeps your home comfortable every day. It’s a silent worker in the background we don’t often notice or think about until something goes wrong. But it’s important to know what to do if you find a puddle under your unit.

Among the most common water heater problems is a leak, usually from the overflow or pressure release valve. This causes dripping or flowing water that can quickly turn into a greater problem. From mold growth to extensive property damage, a leak can wreak havoc on your home. A hot water heater overflow might also be a signal of a worse, potentially dangerous problem, so it should never be ignored.

The first step in troubleshooting your leak is to double check where the source of the problem is. Dry any water puddles and watch to see where new drips form. A very small amount of water that occurs only once in a while may just be condensation. Otherwise, a professional should be called in to inspect the leak. If the flow is very heavy, you may need to shut off your water supply until a professional can look at the problem.

Overflow valves are designed for your safety. They vent when there’s excess pressure or when temperatures get too high. This ensures your water heater doesn’t build pressure in the tank and lead to an explosion. A professional can determine the cause of your hot water heater overflow. A damaged valve is usually a simple and inexpensive replacement, while other problems involving the heating unit, may require a replacement.

You can keep your water heater running in top shape and extend its life by following a few simple maintenance steps. Aladdin Heating & Cooling has been serving Southeast Michigan since 1945, so please feel free to contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Warren, Michigan about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about water heaters and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

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