As temperatures and humidity levels rise during the summer months here in the Warren and Troy areas, proper ventilation strategies can greatly improve your home’s indoor comfort level while reducing energy usage and utility bills.
Installing appropriate attic, kitchen and bathroom ventilation systems can significantly reduce the buildup of heat and humidity within your home.
A well ventilated attic is generally equipped with the following features:
- Rafter and soffit vents which are kept open and not covered with insulation to allow natural airflow to enter a hot attic at the base of the roof eaves and exit the attic through the top gable or ridge vent.
- Tight insulation keeping the conditioned air within the lower living spaces of your home instead of being lost to attic space.
- An attic fan for use during the evening hours to draw in cooler outdoor air and push hot attic air outside through the gable or ridge vent.
Mechanical kitchen ventilation systems are designed to remove hot, humid air from the cooking area of your home. By mounting a fan inside your kitchen range hood and sending the stale, humid kitchen air directly outdoors, unpleasant odors will be removed while the indoor air quality (IAQ) of your entire home is improved.
Another critical area of the home where excess heat and humidity are generated is your bathroom. By installing an additional mechanical ventilation unit within each bathroom, you will be able to help prevent the growth of mold, mildew and other microorganisms on and within your home’s walls, leading to improved health conditions for all household members.
Homeowners in Southeastern Michigan interested in learning more about improving the comfort and efficiency of their homes can contact the professional staff at Aladdin Heating & Cooling. We offer emergency service 24 hours per day, 365 days per year, and have been serving the area since 1945!
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Warren, Michigan about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about ventilation and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
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