When you get your mail and see your gas bill, do you understand exactly what you are paying for? Many households are so busy, there is little time to go through every charge on your utility bills. By understanding a few terms and references on your heating bill, you will see the differences that lead to real savings. If you heat your home using a gas furnace, gas water heater or cook with natural gas, understanding your bill can provide you with valuable information to save energy and cut costs.
Understanding basic terms is a great place to start. The first charge you see will be the delivery fees or supply costs, which most of the time are half the charges on your bill. The amount of gas your home uses will appear on your bill as:
- Therms
- BTUs
- MCFs
- CCFs
Therms (short for thermal unit) are the consumption of BTUs used. One therm equals 10,000 BTUs. BTUs, or British thermal units, are the measurement of heat energy used. If you heat with a natural gas furnace, one cubic foot of gas equals 1,028 BTUs, which is how it appears on your bill. If you see CCF for energy consumption charges, understand that some companies measure in volumes and cubic feet. One CCF equals 100 cubic feet and one MCF equals 1000 cubic feet. You may also see baseline allowance, which means the amount your utility company has allowed your area to meet basic needs. Your individual usage will set your rates. Gas rates can vary through the winter months; you may see this listed as gas cost adjustment, which will appear as a charge or credit, depending on your usage.
The chilly weather in Grosse Point can boost your winter bill, but you can manage that by being mindful of plans, rates and changes announced on your utility’s website. Also, consider scheduling a home energy audit to find leaks. Insulate your home properly and use energy-efficient appliances, windows and doors. Is your gas furnace efficient? Contact Aladdin Heating and Cooling for more information on an upgrade.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Detroit, Michigan about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
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