24/7 Emergency Service

Energy-Saving Equipment Is a Must in Michigan

In a severe climate like ours, it makes sense to select the most energy-saving equipment you can for home heating and cooling. Since heating and cooling your home account for approximately half of what you spend on energy bills, making informed choices about...

A/C Shopping? Write These Features Down on Your Must-Have List

Shopping for a new cooling system can be a challenging process since it’s not something you do very often. The most important A/C features to consider are the SEER (seasonal energy efficiency ratio) rating of the systems you’re considering and the...

Air Conditioner Terminology: Can You Speak The Language?

Shopping for an air conditioner, or even speaking to an air conditioner salesman or repairman, can be pretty frustrating if you don’t understand air conditioner terminology.  Don’t know an HVAC from an EER? We understand your problem, so here is a list of basic air...