Federal standards for heating and cooling equipment are changing. The new 2015 HVAC efficiency standards will affect you whether you live in Clawson, Troy, or any of the other towns that experience typical Michigan winters. Planning now for the 2015 HVAC efficiency...
The U.S. District Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit recently accepted a joint settlement between the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and several groups, including the Heating, Air-conditioning, and Refrigeration Distributors International. The settlement comes as...
If you’re concerned about the new HVAC efficiency standards, you’re not alone. Efficiency minimums have been a source of confusion over recent months. The short answer is: We don’t know right now when and if the standards will be raised. The standard is currently...
If you have been looking to upgrade your gas furnace this year, make note that a federal rule that would have required new gas-fired furnaces, as of May 1, 2013, to be 90 percent AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) for the northern states, has been rescinded....