HVAC systems are some of the most consistently used systems in your life, especially in a climate like Southeast Michigan’s. If you’re not fighting against the frigid winters, you’re trying to keep cool during the sweltering summers. If you have a standard furnace and air conditioner, you also have a situation where your HVAC systems face heavy use for part of the year and then sit idle for the rest of it. All that together means that preventative maintenance is a must for your HVAC system.
Preventative maintenance makes sure that any small problems your system may suffer don’t develop into larger problems later on. In many cases, problems that could lead to total system failure can be caught and addressed at a fraction of the cost of repairs. For example, clogged air filters can be changed easily, whereas the strain a clog puts on the blower fan motor is the leading cause of HVAC system failure.
While it’s always good to have your system checked out by a professional, there are some elements of maintenance that can be taken care of by the homeowner. Here are some things you can do on your own:
- Change your air filter once a month.
- Make sure there’s about a yard of clearance on every side of your outdoor A/C unit. It needs the air circulation in order to function correctly.
- Keep the condensate drain in your HVAC system clean and clear of debris.
- Make sure that the vents in your home are open and unobstructed by debris or furniture.
- Test the batteries in your CO detector and smoke alarms every month and replace them every year – even if the tests come back fine.
- Keep an eye on the refrigerant lines leading into your home. If they’re damaged or dented, have them checked out or replaced.
If you’re curious about HVAC preventative maintenance tasks for your Sterling Heights area home, let Aladdin Heating & Cooling help!
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Warren, Michigan about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about preventative maintenance and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Volodymyr Krasyuk/Shutterstock”