When germs get into your house, they can continue to spread and reproduce by getting circulated throughout your air system. To help eliminate this threat to the health of you and your family, have a UV light system installed.
UV lights emit a low level of UV radiation that alters the DNA of contaminants like bacteria, viruses and fungi, killing them immediately. This radiation is harmless to you, but it destroys dangerous microorganisms that can cause harm to your health.
You can utilize the power of UV lights by having an HVAC professional install a UV lamp in your air system. When installed properly, the light will be able to filter the air that passes through your duct system. Even when your system is not actively running, these lights continue to kill and help prevent the growth of germs.
UV lights are so effective at preventing the spread of disease that they are frequently incorporated into hospital air systems. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cites their use because of their proven ability to stop diseases as contagious as tuberculosis from circulating amongst patients. Fortunately, their incredible power is still affordable enough for use in your own home.
Before having them installed, it is important to understand the limitations of ultraviolet lights. They are not meant to prevent the spread of non-living pollutants such as dust and pollen throughout your home. But when used as a complement to high-efficiency air filters, you will be sure that you get the best indoor air quality possible.
For more information about getting a UV light system installed in your home, contact Aladdin Heating & Coolingtoday. We have proudly served southeast Michigan since 1945, and will gladly help you with any air quality issues you may have.
Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about UV light systems and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
Aladding Heating & Cooling services the Detroit, Michigan and the surrounding areas. Visit our website to see our special offers and get started today!