Whether or not you live in a cold climate, your furnace is an important part of your home.Like most other household items, your furnace won’t work forever. At some point, furnace repair or replacement will be necessary. The important question is: Which option is best for your needs, repair or replacement?
For starters, it’s critically important that you are 100% confident about where the problem in your home is originating from. If you’re home is cold, make sure that your thermostat is set correctly and the furnace is cycling on and off as it normally does. In many cases, cold areas in homes are caused by failed batteries in the thermostat, broken seals on windows, crawlspace access doors that have been left open, or duct-work that has been damaged/disconnected/shut off. Checking these basic areas can often save you the cost of a service call from your heating and cooling company.
If you still can’t locate the problem or if you suspect that your heating unit is not functioning properly, then it’s time for you to call an expert from a local heating and cooling company. Aladdin Heating & Cooling is a great company that has been servicing Oakland, Macomb,and Wayne Counties in Southeastern Michigan for over 65 years.. A trained technician will be able to locate all the problems that are causing you discomfort and give you an accurate cost of repairs which will help you with your repair versus replacement decision. Additionally, the technician should be able to discuss the overall condition of your equipment with you and how reliable he/she feels the equipment will be after the recommended repairs are completed.
If you’re experiencing frequent repairs, unusually high heating bills, loud noises, or significant hot/cold spots throughout your home then equipment replacement may be in order. Often times, a new heating unit can make HUGE strides towards evening out temperatures across different areas of the home, reducing your energy bills, lowering sound levels, and reducing maintenance costs.
Ultimately, it is up to you to look at your personal finances, the cost of repairs, and the cost of new equipment and decide whether you want to put the cost of repairs towards your current unit or towards the cost of a newer one. Keep in mind the monthly utility savings you can expect to get from a newer unit and the current rebates/incentives available when making this decision. The technician should be able to give you an idea of these dollar amounts.
Like most machines, furnaces have shelf lives. Currently, most run about 16-22 years before a major repair forces homeowners into considering replacement, some last as long as 25 years. Unfortunately, the days when furnaces lasted 40+ years are over. Expecting this type of lifespan will only set you up for disappointment, regardless of the brand equipment you choose. Whether you rent or own your home, it’s good common knowledge to know how old your furnace is.
If you’re considering furnace repair or replacement, let one of our trained technicians provide a professional assessment. For expert consultation, contact us at Aladdin Heating & Coolingtoday.
Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about furnaces and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
Aladding Heating & Cooling services the Detroit, Michigan and the surrounding areas. Visit our website to see our special offers and get started today!
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