These days, the question of whether A/C replacement is necessary is not as critical as it used to be. The truth is, if your unit is any older than about 10 years, it is probably worth your while to replace it just for the energy savings you will realize from more modern units.
That being said, there are things to look for besides the age of your unit when trying to determine if A/C replacement is warranted. Look for these tell-tale signs so you can react quickly and avoid a breakdown that leaves your home in Oak Park, Madison Heights, Grosse Point Park or elsewhere hot and humid during the summer season.
Signs Your A/C Unit Needs Replacement
- As mentioned above, if the age of your equipment is more than 10 years old, it is probably not worth it to make repairs. You could actually be saving money with a more efficient, modern unit.
- If your air conditioner requires frequent repairs, or you find that bills for cooling begin rising, these are signs that the unit is becoming less efficient and that performance has been degraded.
- If your system has become very noisy, this could be a sign of problems with the indoor coil of your A/C unit. If your unit is older, it is probably a better idea to replace the entire unit.
- If you experience excessive dust in rooms, this could be attributable to a leaky duct system, and replacement of the ductwork may be indicated rather than the A/C unit. Also, if certain rooms are cooling and others aren’t, this could be due to localized ductwork issues. Excessive humidity can be another symptom of leaky ductwork. If any of these are symptoms you are experiencing, check the ductwork first. A new unit will not improve leaky ductwork.
Contact Us
If you need any kind of expert advice on home comfort systems, please contact us through our website, or call us at Aladdin Heating & Cooling. We’ve been serving the southeastern Michigan area for more than 65 years, and we’d like to extend that service to include your household.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Warren, Michigan about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about A/C replacements and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
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