Midsummer air conditioning breakdowns are common, especially in units that haven’t been properly maintained. Scheduling preventive maintenance for the air conditioner in your Southeast Michigan home will go a long way toward ensuring your air conditioner works efficiently all summer long and will help prevent these common A/C problems.
Refrigerant leaks
When your air conditioner was installed, it was given a charge of refrigerant according to the exact specifications of the manufacturer. Unless your unit was undercharged, low refrigerant means you have a leak. Leaks cause damage to the environment and prevent your system from working efficiently. A technician will test for the leak and repair it, then test the repair. Your system will be topped off with refrigerant to get it running efficiently again. Preventive maintenance includes measuring the refrigerant charge and testing for leaks.
Dirt buildup inside the system
A dirty air conditioner is an inefficient air conditioner, possibly causing the fans and compressor to conk out prematurely. Preventive maintenance will include cleaning essential components to prevent this kind of damage. Additionally, you should check your air filter every month and change it out when it’s dirty to prevent dust from entering the system.
Electrical control failure
Loose electrical connections and corroded wiring inside your system can cause serious damage. An annual tune-up will include tightening electrical connections and fan belts, as well as replacing any corroded wiring.
Sensor problems
The sensor in your room air conditioner measures the temperature of the air entering the evaporator coil. If this sensor isn’t in place, your unit may cycle constantly or erratically. Located behind the control panel, the sensor can be gently bent back into place so that it’s near the coil but not touching it.
Drainage problems
During humid weather, your condensate drain may become clogged and overflow. Remove the clog as you would any drain obstruction. Preventive maintenance includes flushing the condensate drain.
For more expert advice about common A/C problems, please feel free to contact us at Aladdin Heating & Cooling, serving the Detroit area with a high level of customer satisfaction for over 65 years.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Detroit, Michigan about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about A/C problems and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
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